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  • Writer's pictureSonja DeCurtis

Resurrected: The rebirth of my creative mind and the resurrection from a dark, mental grave

We all have hopes and dreams for ourselves and maybe some of us have incorporated habits linked to those goals into our daily lives, and maybe there’s even some of us who have already reached that dream. Either way we’re all here living our best lives. And then something happens. We as individuals get thrust into one of the seven circles of hell as a part of life. Just as we’re sitting there happily, and obliviously, thinking we’re on a smooth train ride to inner peace. Suddenly, BAM! Our train derails or crashes. Sometimes, it just goes up in flames. We go through it; get lost in it; and in the meantime, we lose ourselves and lose sight of what our hopes and dreams were built on. For writers, those hopes and dreams are built on YOU. The readers, the followers who support us, the fans, and everyone who gave our voice a meaning. Without having people reading our work, our words, although still valuable, serve no purpose.

But, when we're in the middle of our own tornado, getting sucked into the darkness, we get so distracted by the turmoil of it all, that we forget about what we're here to do, which is write! We forget that we have people who have invested themselves in us and who are looking and waiting for our next post to see what we have to say. Instead we just sort of die out. And that’s exactly what I did.

So after the death of my creative mind and any dreams I had of becoming a professional writer, it only seems fitting that I launch my rebirth on the day we celebrate the resurrection of Christ as I too am being resurrected in this moment. I was emerging out of my own dark grave that I had mentally found myself in. As I wake up from the dark slumber that was my thoughts and breathe new life into my writing, I feel a renewed strength as light is cast on new ideas.

Just like at the start of Spring, after everything has been dead and dormant, and then one day it comes along. The colors look brighter and you see the first buds on the flowers begin to bloom. So has my mind come out of its dark and dormant state and is showing new signs of life. Like Christ risen from the grave, so have my dreams been reborn. I have hope for a brighter future, and finally the dark clouds are starting to clear. If you believe that in the resurrection of Christ, that you too have been granted an eternal life, why not take an active part in the life you’re living now and use the gift that God gave you? Live and breathe in this life and if you have a God-given talent, use it. Share it. And when you get to the next stage in your life, you can tell God, you did everything on Earth that you were sent here to do.

We all take a beating sometimes. Look at the last hours of Christ. Yet still he stayed the course. He knew he had a purpose and with his death and then his resurrection, he showed us that where there is a will, there IS a way. So, when you find yourself being thrust into a whirlwind tornado, go through it, but don’t lose sight of your purpose. Everyone has thoughts and has the ability to conjure up ideas, and even create stories in their mind. Maybe they have strong ideas about an important topic that they wish they could effectively share with other people. That’s where our purpose comes in, because while everyone has that basic ability, not everyone has the ability to transform those thoughts into words where it is both readable and relatable to people and can impact them in one way or another. That is why we must continue to write. Everyone has different talents and ways that they contribute to society in an important way. It’s how we continue to build and evolve. Our talent is writing and it’s our job to help bring a voice to not only our thoughts and ideas, but also to those who aren’t able to articulate their own thoughts.

Putting ink to paper, whether it’s literal, or on a computer screen, it matters no differently. We are etching thoughts into stone. Creating a blueprint for others to follow, or unfollow, years in the future. Once those words have been put into print or published in some way, it’s always there. It’s like the ancient nomads who etched their images into the stone in their caves. That writing helped others to learn different crop seasons, or moon phases, or other important things that could have contributed to their lives in a positive way, and made something that could have been more of a struggle a little easier. Writing about anything, whether it’s about your own life or a fictional story with characters that were created somewhere in your mind, gives something for readers to connect to. It allows us as humans to be connected to one another. Maybe it’s something the other person is going through or has gone through in the past. By being able to read their own feelings in someone else’s words gives them the feeling of having a voice, but also the feeling of not being alone. Knowing someone else is going through the same thing, or has already been there and has come out the other side, gives us a sense of hope knowing that although we’re in the middle of it, there is an end to our suffering. It gives us inspiration, and why wouldn’t we want to be that to someone else; that beacon of hope?

We all go through dark phases of life, but for those of us who can get those emotions down on paper, can help build a bridge to those who can’t. By sharing our stories, or exposing our truths, as hard as it can be, we help to build a connection to other people, but also a trust. By being transparent and allowing that vulnerability with our readers, we show them that our lives are not perfect, and just like everyone else, we go through it. When we shine a light on our struggles, we show them that we’re real. We’re not just people pushing our ideas onto someone else, or looking for followers. We’re able to contribute in a real and emotional way. Sure there will be posts that are opinionated or formal, more structured, or more professional if you will. But, if you also open yourself up to show them other parts of you, bring them on the journey with you, you’ll show them that you’re not just someone who’s in love with their own voice, looking for validation. If we treat our readers as numbers or stepping stones that we use to achieve our dreams, we’ll distance ourselves and lose their trust when we have the ability to help build them up or give them hope by showing them that they’re not alone. This is what I hope to do with my newly found strength. In my rebirth, I hope to help bring others light and throw a lifeline to them, so that they too can be reborn and contribute to society with whatever talents they have to offer.

With all the darkness and despair going on in the world today, I don’t think it’s so bad to remind people of the double celebration of life that is in front of us now. We have the resurrection of Christ and the start of Spring. Both signifying rebirth and the start of a new life. Something we all have the ability to seize if we could only remember that a new life and new opportunities are there for us.

My hopes are that by sharing this awakening, that I have been able to remind others that they too have those same second chances in life. They too can be reborn if they so choose. Life is about cycles. We come into them, and we come out of them. Nothing is permanent. Including the darker periods. If we can keep that in mind, it might make it easier to embrace the new beginnings and not lock ourselves into our past turmoils. Take this time to remember that these cycles in life, although tough at times, are not a permanent damnation and that if you have the strength to endure it, you will also be blessed with the ability to rebuild at the end of it. And that’s exactly what I’m doing now. I wish you all the realization and the strength to do the same. May you all find a stronger you in your own rebirth after your storm has passed, and may you all be reminded that no matter the pain we endure, even if we feel dead inside, there is still life after that death to be had. You just have to be brave enough to hold on to the end of your rope until you get to the other side, even if it feels like that rope is starting to hang you. I know it’s not always an easy thing to do, but if I can use my words to help others to remember the strength that they have inside them and the miracles that have come before them, then that’s exactly what I’m gonna do until they realize that they have the ability to be their own miracle. Each of us may get there in our own time, but my end goal is that we ALL eventually get there, because each and every one of us is deserving of that happiness and that gratification, that not only did we survive, but we rose to the occasion and overcame all of the obstacles in front of us. And being the optimistic that I am, I believe that each and every one of you will.

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