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  • Writer's pictureSonja DeCurtis

I'm a military spouse!!!????

All my life I always said I could never be a military spouse. As a woman you know who you are and what your wants and needs are. For me I always said I need a 9-5 guy. A man who goes to work and at the end of the day comes home to me. A regular schedule I can easily plan dinners and family time around. I like stability which is the exact opposite of what you’ll get when you’re involved with the military. So how did I end up in the exact place I knew I never wanted to be? It’s simple really. You can’t help who you fall in love with. I met my fiance back in 2009. We had just started dating when we found out he was getting deployed for the first time. After a little uncertainty of what we should do we decided that we would make it official and try to stick it out through the deployment. Of course at this point neither of us really knew what to expect. We just knew that there was “something there” and we wanted to find out what it was. (Seemed logical). So he deployed in April of ‘10. During his 2 week mid-deployment leave he proposed. Looking back now we probably jumped the gun on that, but of course in the moment it seemed romantic. However, the bliss was short lived when he had to return back overseas. I had a lot of stuff going on personally and when he came home things started to fall apart quicker than we could get it together. We ended up taking some time apart but through it all we both knew that this is what we wanted. We stayed in touch and fast forward a few years we’re back together, happy, have built a strong foundation, we expanded our family with a daughter of our own, we’re new home owners, and we’ve learned through our experiences. We made new plans to FINALLY tie the knot, of course a monkey wrench got thrown into our plans when we found out he was redeploying. This is that love/hate relationship. I love my husband but it kinda takes the romance out when instead of planning the wedding you both wanted and having time to save up, you’re rushed into planning something quick before he has to leave and of course we still don’t have the official training schedule so that makes planning even an on the fly wedding a little harder.Thank you, Uncle Sam!... But what matters most is that we’ll have each other and there’s always the option to do a bigger ceremony for a vow renewal down the road. For now we’re taking it one day at a time, prepping for our second deployment, veterans, a little more knowledgeable about what to expect. Older, a little wiser, a lot deeper in love. So now I sit, computer in front of me, trying to take a step forward towards the future one foot and one word at a time.

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